What Happens on a ProMusicU Weekend?
The ProMusicU weekend starts on Saturday morning (usually at either 9:00am or 10:00am, depending on the venue). Get here a little early so that you can check in at our registration table. If you've pre-registered, you'll get a name badge, course schedule and all of the information that you'll need for the weekend. If you haven't yet purchased your registration, you can take care of that at the table also.
We start our sessions on Saturday morning with a Keynote Speaker. The Keynote Speaker is usually someone with a great deal of respect and notoriety in the local community or someone with national accomplishments and recognition. They'll speak for about an hour to start things off.
Then we begin the classes. We divide the ProMusicU sessions into two rooms. One for Music Business courses and one for Performance/Songwriting courses. You're welcome to attend any classes and float between the rooms as you wish. Classes will be either one hour or an hour and a half in length, depending on the content. Some classes, like the Songwriting Workshop and Critique Sessions may go longer. There will be some classes, like Music Business 101 and other popular titles, that will be given more than once, usually once on Saturday and once on Sunday.
We'll break mid-day for a hour for lunch which will be on your own. Some venues will have food available for purchase and all will be in neighborhoods with closely accessible dining.
Saturday classes will break for the day between 5:00 and 6:00pm.
On Saturday night, we will present a show featuring a well-known artist, either local or touring. Most times, ProMusicU instructors, most of whom are performing songwriters as well, will open the show along with some of our local friends. The show will usually be at the ProMusicU venue, however, because of the needs or requirements of the performer or space limitations at the ProMusicU venue, we may move it to a nearby performance venue. Be sure to have your ProMusicU registration badge with you because many of our shows are open to the public and require a cover charge. You get in for free with your ProMusicU registration.
Then we get back together on Sunday morning for a full day of classes and workshops.
After we break for the day on Sunday, the ProMusicU instructors will be available for a few hours for private consulting sessions. Please schedule those in advance with the individual instructors. You may also schedule telephone consultations for some time in the future. (Private consulting sessions are at a separate cost which is set by the individual instructor.)

By Phone:
By Mail:
ProMusicU Team
Crush Worldwide, Inc.
Murfreesboro, TN 37133